Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fwd: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

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Date: Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 8:04 AM
Subject: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest


  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Cost-effective solutions are now available to protect women&children from dangers on the day of birth #EveryNewborn
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Nearly 3M lives could be saved each yr if the #EveryNewborn AP is implemented and its goals and targets achieved
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
.@USAID #MaternalHealth Vision will enable to scale up proven interventions&ensure gains are sustainable #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
#MaternalHealth Vision = achieve avg MMR of 140 by 2030 #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
A woman's risk of dying as a result of pregnancy&birth in sub-Sah. Africa is >47x higher than in the US #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Nearly 300k mothers and 3M #newborns continue to die every yr from causes we know how to prevent #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
The @USAID Maternal #Health Vision - to ensure no woman dies from preventable cause in birth/pregnancy #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Check out the @USAID Maternal #Health Vision for Action here: #MomAndBaby
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Every year, 1M #newborns die on their first day of life #PMNCHLive #EveryNewborn @SavetheChildren
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Check out the @SavetheChildren Global Campaign video to End #Newborn Deaths #PMNCHLive #EveryNewborn
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
"11-24% of economic growth over last 20 yrs has been attributed to a reduction in mortality" - @Ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
"For every $1 you invest in #health, the return is $9-$20" - Dr. @Ampablos of @USAID #GlobalHealth #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
RT @APromiseRenewed: "No woman should die giving life and no woman should be denied access to family planning." @BabatundeUNFPA #PMNCHLive …
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
#familyplanning goes far beyond healthy spacing. It gives you the liberty to control your health and your life. -@BabatundeUNFPA #pmnchlive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
For some reason the world doesn't want to talk about #familyplanning But going forward, we must resist that. -@BabatundeUNFPA #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We know that women's health must be addressed in a comprehensive manner across a woman's life span. -@BabatundeUNFPA #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
RT @joymarini: Many of us are working on the post-2015 agenda, but #youth will be living it.@YNyoni says "we are the next mothers and fathe…
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
.@USAID Dr. @AmPablos discusses economic & social benefits of investing in women & girls #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
If you want to go fast, you walk alone. If you want to go far, you walk together. -Miguel veiga-pestana #PMNCHLive @unileverusa
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
I am sure our generation will end preventable child and maternal deaths. Let's go and do it! -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We need to make sure we get sub national data. We need new technologies and mgmt systems to ensure every woman is kept alive. #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Measurement has been key to success we report in global health. -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Healthy mothers & babies are crucial to all areas of #globaldev. Continue the #MomAndBaby conversation at #PMNCHLive:
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
RT @GirlsGlobe: "Children having children is a tragedy." - @CarolePMNCH #PMNCHLive #Commit2Deliver #childmarriage
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
When we care enough to act together, we can achieve greater results and greater impact. -@CarolePMNCH #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
What is your lifetime risk of dying from pregnancy or childbirth comps? In some countries it's 1 in 31. In others it's 1in 4600. #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We've hit 250 million twitter impressions for #everynewborn since last month! #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
RT @JNJGlobalHealth: .@CarolePMNCH reflecting on extraordinary recent events & reports on #MNCH & momentum we have to continue action #PMNC…
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We're now live tweeting the closing plenary of #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
#EveryNewborn AP sets a framework to end preventable newborn deaths and stillbirths by 2035 through evidence
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We know more about effective interventions & approaches to incr coverage&quality of care for #newborns #EveryNewborn
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
#Newborn deaths & stillbirths are reducing at a slower rate than under-5 deaths & maternal deaths #EveryNewborn
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
"It is time to give #newborns a more prominent place on the #globalhealth agenda" - @SecGen #EveryNewborn
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
RT @familycareintl: Training >3500 community #midwives since 2005 was key to #Afghanistan's success reducing #maternal mortality #SOWMY2014…
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Receive daily #PMNCHLive updates in your inbox. Sign up here:
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
If we're really going to be inclusive of all women, we need to be inclusive of the people that treat them. -@priya__agrawal #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
RT @GirlsGlobe: "Social franchisizing has the potential to drive consistent care and pricing!" - @priya__agrawal #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We can make a difference. We must make a difference. - @Koki_Agarwal #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
New paper from @who on maternal mortality: #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Guiding principles of ending prev maternal mort: ensure country ownership. Apply human rights framework to ensure quality #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Guiding principles for ending prev maternal mort? Empower women, girls, comms. Protect & support mother baby dyad. #pmnchlive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
No country should have MMR of more than 140 deaths/100,000 live births by 2030. -Lale Say #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Global MMR target: 70/100,000. Country targets: more than 2/3 reduction from 2010 to 2030. -Lale Say @who #pmnchlive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
RT @GirlsGlobe: "The costs of maternal deaths is devestating for families." - Dr. Knight @UWConline #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
RT @joymarini: Cost of maternal death? Includes the death of children & econ disruption when family shifts responsibility & can't earn inco…
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
A mother's death or injury causes or depends cycle of family poverty. #pmnchlive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Research shows it's imperative to invest in maternal health..women are the center of the family. #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Want to know how @usaid will end preventable maternal mortality? Check out our new Vision for Action #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We have an unprecedented opportunity and it's really time to make it happen. We can do it. -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Economic growth, girls' education, and female empowerment are key to our goal. -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We have many good examples of partnerships like #smgl where maternal mortality decreased by a third. -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
it's about time to start mapping out the stamping out of maternal deaths. We need to look at each mother. -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
This speaks to the huge importance of #familyplanning in achieving our maternal health goals. -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
Africa is going to be more difficult to achieve than Asia bc there is a much higher fertility rate. -@ampablos#PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We are shooting for 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in all nations. -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
For maternal mortality can we find a grand convergence of rich and poor nations? -@ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We are at an unprecedented time in maternal health and in #mch - @ampablos #PMNCHLive
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
We're now live tweeting the ending preventable maternal mortality session at #PMNCHLive. Follow along here.
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 01 Jul
.@USAID @ampablos will speak at #PMNCH session "Delivering #health & development for women&children #post2015"
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The KMS Project is sending these announcements on behalf of USAID's Bureau for Global Health. The KMS Project is located at 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 440, Washington DC 20004 (202) 660-1860 Powered by GovDelivery

Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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