Monday, July 28, 2014

Fwd: OIG posts a fraud alert, a report, an advisory opinion, and news about enforcement actions

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From: HHS Office of Inspector General <>
Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 11:03 AM
Subject: OIG posts a fraud alert, a report, an advisory opinion, and news about enforcement actions

New content posted on OIG.HHS.GOV

Good afternoon from Washington, DC. Today OIG posts a fraud alert, a report, an advisory opinion, and news about enforcement actions. As always, you can use the links provided to go directly to the new material.


New Fraud Scheme Targeting Families of Unaccompanied Children
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General is alerting the public about a new fraud scheme that preys on the families of unaccompanied migrant children entering the United States.

These children, apprehended by the Department of Homeland Security, are transferred to the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement External link (ORR) within the Administration for Children and Families, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services. ORR then makes and implements placement decisions for these children.

  • Alerta de Fraude en Español: Nueva Estafa Dirigido a Las Familias de los Niños Migrantes


Some Michigan Child Care Home Providers Did Not Always Comply With State Health and Safety Licensing Requirements (A-05-13-00031)

Although the Michigan Department of Education (State agency) conducted required inspections at all 20 of the child care home providers that we reviewed, this onsite monitoring did not ensure that providers that received Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) funds complied with State licensing requirements related to the health and safety of children. We determined that all 20 of the providers that we reviewed did not comply with 1 or more State licensing requirements to ensure the health and safety of children. Specifically, we found 19 providers did not always comply with requirements related to the physical condition of the provider homes, 16 providers did not comply with records and supervision requirements, and 10 providers did not comply with required criminal records and protective services checks.

We recommended that the State agency work with the Michigan Department of Human Services, Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing, to (1) ensure adequate oversight by reducing licensing inspectors' caseloads, (2) ensure through more frequent onsite monitoring that providers comply with health and safety regulations, (3) develop a mandatory training program to improve provider compliance with health and safety regulations, and (4) ensure that providers obtain required criminal record checks and protective services checks for all child care employees who provide direct services to children. The State agency partially concurred with our first recommendation and concurred with the remaining three recommendations.


July 25, 2014; Office of Inspector General; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Florida Doctor Settles Case Involving False Claims Allegations


Advisory Opinion 14-05
(concerning a pharmaceutical manufacturer's direct-to-patient product sales program that allows eligible patients to purchase one of the manufacturer's brand-name products for a fixed cash price from an online retail pharmacy vendor outside of any applicable prescription drug insurance benefit.)


State Enforcement Actions Updated


That's all we have for today. If we can be of any further assistance, please send an email to

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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