Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fwd: Upcoming International Trade Administration Webinar

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From: U.S. Census Bureau <>
Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 11:57 AM
Subject: Upcoming International Trade Administration Webinar

July 23, 2014

AES Broadcast #2014064

Upcoming International Trade Administration Webinar 

Event: Department of Commerce and eBay Inc.: Tools to Help You Take Your Business Online and Go Global Webinar

Date: July 24, 2014

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EDT

Cost: There is no cost to view this webinar.

Register Here

The Internet is expected to hit 3 billion users by 2015. Over 2.7 billion of those users are outside the US. For businesses that want to use the Internet, that means 2.7 billion potential customers. The growth opportunity the Internet presents is unprecedented.

Exporting over the Internet might seem like a challenge, but there are a number of public sector and private sector tools that can be used to make the process a lot easier. This webinar will feature experts from the U.S. Department of Commerce and eBay Inc. who will focus on some of the technical solutions that have been created in the last few years that make online exporting as easy as a few clicks.

Participants will learn about a new tool for exporters – Passport – as well as several U.S. Department of Commerce tools designed to help grow an online business in markets around the world. Participants will hear about:

- New trade corridors that they should be focusing on;

- How to easily estimate duties and taxes for your buyer;

- Seasonal sales peaks around the world;

- How to classify a product for export;

- Shipping and distribution logistics;

- Key export documents;

- Currency exchange and fees; and

- Free trade agreements


For more information, contact Linda Abbruzzese at



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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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