From: Department of Family and Protective Services <>
Date: Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 9:06 AM
Subject: Reminder: PIP Call for Presenters - Deadline July 11th
14th Annual Partners in Prevention Conference Communities Collaborating for a Brighter Future October 28-30, 2014 Austin Marriott North Hotel, Round Rock, Texas CALL FOR PRESENTERS The annual PEI Partners in Prevention (PIP) Conference in Round Rock, Texas (Austin metropolitan area), is a multi-day training opportunity for community-based providers of child abuse prevention, juvenile delinquency prevention, substance abuse prevention, mental health promotion, and family violence awareness services, as well as program directors, direct service delivery staff, crisis counselors, and parent educators. Each year, a number of Texas state agencies collaborate to present this opportunity for providers and professionals to gather information that they can use to help strengthen families and improve communities. The PIP Conference is a great venue to share your knowledge and skills with a broad audience, and to improve services to families around the State of Texas. PEI invites you to apply, share your expertise, and help enhance the skills and knowledge of prevention practitioners in community-based social service agencies. We are interested in soliciting workshops that will emphasize evidence-based practices in one or more of the following areas:
Of particular interest to PEI are those workshop proposals that integrate the prevention of child abuse/neglect or juvenile delinquency with one or more of the other areas listed above. Workshop length is generally limited to one hour and thirty minutes. As such, PEI intends to award 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for every workshop presented. Special consideration will be given to those who require more time. Applicants interested in presenting on multiple topics must submit separate applications for each topic. The deadline for receiving applications is July 11, 2014. Finalists will be notified by August 1, 2014. Presenters must submit their presentation materials at least three (3) weeks prior to the conference, for reproduction and dissemination to all attendees. PEI will provide honoraria to all accepted, eligible presenters. Presenters traveling to the conference may use the honoraria to help offset their expenses. For those presenters wishing to attend the conference, PEI will also waive all conference registration fees. If you have any questions, please contact Pablo Bastida, Program Specialist, PEI Division, 512-438-5337 or For more conference information, go to:
Jeremy Tobias Matthews
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